DeepTarget unveils white paper on email's lasting power

October 16, 2024

HUNTSVILLE, AL., October 16, 2024 –DeepTarget Inc., a transformational financial services company harnessing the power of AI and data insights to power digital communication for community financial institutions, announced the release of its new white paper, “The Enduring Power of Email: Why Financial Institutions Must Prioritize This Proven Communications Channel.”

Email remains a cornerstone of effective customer engagement in the financial sector, even as the banking landscape evolves. With in-person branch visits at an all-time low and a significant portion of consumers still not fully embracing digital banking platforms, email stands out as the universal touchpoint. Its near-ubiquitous adoption among banking customers makes it an invaluable tool for reaching and engaging accountholders.

While traditionally used for compliance notifications, fraud alerts, and transactional messages, email's potential extends far beyond these functional applications. Financial institutions that leverage email for meaningful, personalized engagement can bridge the gap between traditional and digital banking experiences, fostering stronger relationships with their diverse customer base. By expanding email's role beyond mere notifications to include tailored financial insights, product recommendations, and educational content, banks and credit unions can turn this time-tested channel into a powerful driver of customer loyalty and growth.

This insightful white paper dives deep into email's pivotal role in modern financial communications, arming institutions with a treasure trove of industry insights and battle-tested strategies. Through a financial institution case study, readers will uncover the hidden potential of this often-underestimated channel. The paper doesn't shy away from addressing the hurdles faced by financial marketers; instead, it offers innovative solutions to transform these challenges into opportunities. Discover how harnessing the power of email can not only skyrocket customer loyalty and ensure ironclad compliance but also catalyze your institution's success in today's rapidly evolving digital ecosystem.

This whitepaper gives clues to a roadmap to turning every inbox into a goldmine of engagement and growth. Other topics covered in the white paper include:

How trust, the cornerstone of finance, can be built one message at a time.

The art of turning every inbox into a revenue-generating engine.

How to address real-world resource constraints in formulating a successful email engagement strategy

Techniques to create hyper-personalized customer journeys that rival the best fintech offerings.

"Email is often overlooked, but it's still the workhorse of digital communication, with billions of messages sent daily," said Preetha Pulusani, CEO of DeepTarget. "For banks and credit unions, it's a trusted way to connect personally with customers, boost growth, and stay compliant. But we don't talk enough about the challenges of using it effectively. Email lets us build real relationships in an increasingly digital world, and it's time we give it the attention it deserves."

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